Music Education at Patricks Road is an important part of the school curriculum and has maintained a standard of excellence for many years.
The Patricks Road Music Program provides a wide range of musical experiences for the children, both in the classroom and in extra-curricular activities. We have keyboards and ukeleles for students to learn as part of their class activities.
Competitions such as the QYMA, Fanfare, Music Fest and Sing Fest and musical productions such as Performing Arts Night and the String Soiree cater for the gifted musicians and encourage the pursuit of excellence. They provide an opportunity for students to develop their full musical potential. and showcase their talents.
Classroom Music
One Specialist music teacher conducts a 30 minutes class music lesson each week, and some of the younger students receive two 30 minute lessons. The classroom music program aims to equip each child with skills and understanding which will help them to appreciate music and to participate in music making. Children are involved in a wide variety of activities from singing games and the playing of instruments to composing and performing.
Choral Music
The Patricks Road Senior Choir (from Years 4 - 6) performs at School Assemblies, QYMA, Music Fest, Sing Fest, Performing Arts Night and a variety of community functions, including Chappy Breakfasts.
The Junior Choir (approx 50 members from Years 2 & 3), performs at School Assemblies, QYMA, Music Fest and Performing Arts Night.
Our Gleeks are an auditioned group of older students who perform on special occasions. These students have been responsible for the first public performance of our new school song and a number of other creative items.
Instrumental Music

Children from Years 3 – 6 have the opportunity to participate in our Instrumental Music program. Being in a band or ensemble presents children with opportunities to become more self aware and able to work with others, by allowing children to become skilful, artistically proficient and capable musicians. Co-operative music making is similar to life; it is both an empowering and developmental activity. Patricks Road State School bands and ensembles are dynamic music making environments that pursue excellence in a uniquely vibrant and symbolic manner.
Students are offered the opportunity to play strings, woodwind, brass and percussion. Free half hour lessons are conducted by instrumental teachers from Education Queensland.
All instrumental students participate in a string ensemble or concert band appropriate to their level. At Patricks Road State School there are two concert bands, two string ensembles and a percussion ensemble.
Students who demonstrate musical aptitude in class are invited in Year 2 to participate in auditions for stringed instruments and in Year 3 to audtion for brass, woodwind and percussion. Successful students and their parents attend the Beginners Music Evening, where successful students from around the cluster come together to hear more about the program, care of instruments and the commitment necessary to be successful.
Students who are invited into the instrumental music program are expected to continue in the program until they complete their primary schooling.
Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Music Camps are offered to students during their primary years.
Our musical ensembles often perform for our Chappy Breakfasts in a relaxed atmosphere that allows them to demonstrate the progression of their skills.