Students from Years 5 - 6 are offered the opportunity to participate in school camps.

Our Year 5 students go to Maranatha Recreation Camp, in the hinterland of the Sunshine Coast for two nights. They are accommodated in dormitory style cabins and the facilities are sensational.
They participate in activities such as swimming, ropes course, raft building, bush walking - and that's just in the daytime! Night time brings activities such as team building activities, party games and more!
This is a perfect camp for our Yr 5 students.
This is a safe, ideal first school camp.
Our Year 6 students are extremely fortunate to attend Tallebudgera Beach School on the beautiful Gold Coast. These children will ride tandem-bikes, go tobogganing or sailing, go bodyboarding, hike around Burleigh Mountain and experience many other wonderful outdoor education and leadership activities, right
next to the beach.
Year Level teachers are encouraged to organise two excursions and two incursions for their students each year. These excursions are to enhance what is being taught in the classroom.
Parents receive a Term Letter at the beginning of each term. This details the organised excursions or incursions and their costs for the term, meaning that only one payment needs to be made and one permission form completed. Our parents find this very convenient. Term Letters are emailed home at the beginning of each term.
Excursions are many and varied:- the ATSI 
Centre at Inala, Bunyaville Environmental Centre, Downfall Creek, Lone Pine, St Helena Island, Nudgee Beach Environmental Centre, Samford Historical Village, the Sciencentre and the Moreton Region Recycling Centre are but a few.

Our teachers organise a variety of activities for children within their year levels. Professor Maths is a frequent visitor, as are the Financial Literacy representatives, the Nudgee Beach staff, the Spinal Injury Education Team and the Environmental educators from Moreton Bay Regional Council. Some, like the Life Ed Van and African Drumming, are whole school incursions, while others, such as Human Relationships Education, are for selected year levels. There may be some cost attached to these visits and parents will be notified about this in the Term Letter. These activities are "user pays".