Our school values the volunteer. Parents and community members help out in a variety of ways, both on a regular and irregular basis.

Working Bees
At the beginning of each year, a working bee is held to assist the groundsman to rid the school of leaf litter and weeds which have accumulated over the holidays and make the grounds attractive for the arrival of our students. These are normally held on Saturday mornings and often include parents who are unable to commit to other times due to work commitments.
Sometimes, there will be an additional working bee held during the year, particularly if there is a project , such as the “Clearing the Gully” - an Everyone’s Environment Grant initiative.
Coffee Cart
We have a coffee cart which operates from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am till 9:30 am. This is a wonderful resource for parents, who are often seen grabbing a coffee before going to reading groups or simply socialising with friends before school. A number of our parents learn to make coffee and roster themselves to work on a regular basis.
Our tuckshop operates each day except Tuesday. A convenor does the ordering and organises the rosters, but extra hands are needed to help prepare lunches. A roster appears in the newsletter each week and some groups of parents have worked on tuckshop together for many years.
In the Classroom
Many teachers, particularly those in the lower school, love extra help. This is frequently for regular reading groups, but also for other activities where extra hands are needed. Teachers usually organise a roster so parents know when to attend.
Many excursions take place throughout the school year and a number of these require extra adults to attend. Sometimes, teachers will be overwhelmed by the number of parents who wish to attend and have to draw names out of a hat! Sometimes, it is not possible for toddlers to attend these excursions, so please consult with the class teacher if you would like to help.
Our Year 1 – 3 students attend swimming lessons in Term 4. Extra supervision on the bus is required. Teachers organise a roster for their classes. There is no need for parents to enter the water. No toddlers are permitted on these occasions.
Events such as the Bush Dance, Sports Days, Squiggle and Giggle, Early Years Morning of Fun, Chappy Breakfasts and the Carnival simply would not be successful without the help of a dedicated group of volunteers. Many of these events have grown greatly in recent years, thanks to the help of our volunteers. Remember, many hands make light work, so even if you are only able to give a little of your time and expertise, it will be appreciated!
Volunteers' Morning Tea
Each year, we hold a Volunteers' Morning Tea to thank the more than 400 volunteers who assist in some capacity during the school year. They may have helped with working bees, cooked sausages, manned the coffee cart, helped with reading or other classroom activities, attended excursions, served on committees or the P & C, served in the tuckshop or helped throughout the year with the multitude of activities that make our school such a busy place to be.