Sport plays a very important role in the lives of our students, from our youngest to our senior students. Our beautiful oval is one of the most-used of our facilities. As well as the oval, we have two grass netball courts, a tennis court and a large hall which can host two games of volleyball or a netball match.
Each class participates in a weekly Physical Education lesson with our specialist teacher. As well as this, we have a variety of activities to ensure our children develop skills and maintain physical fitness.
Our younger students participate in Perceptual Motor programs which develop co-ordination and teach the basics necessary for later participation.

We have interhouse competitions annually among our three houses - Bunya, Kagoola and Yangoora. From these competitions, our school teams to represent at district competitions, are chosen. We have a Senior and Junior Cross Country, involving all students from Prep to Year 6. Our Senior and Junior Athletics Carnivals are well supported and house rivalry is fierce. Our Athletics team are the current District Champions, having performed sensationally at the district carnival last July. Our Swimming Carnival is comprised of students from Years 3 - 6 and consists of championship events, "have-a-go events" and novelty races. Students who are successful at this carnival can nominate for the district selection trials in February.
We participate in a variety of interschool sports from Years 5 - 6. These include Netball, Soccer, Tennis and Rugby League. Matches take place on Friday afternoons and children travel by bus to various venues around the district to compete against other local schools. Children are able to nominate for the sport they would like to play and, depending on numbers, most children are given their first or second choice. These sports operate on a "user pays" basis and parents are advised of costs prior to team selection. In recent years, our teams have been very successful, due to the commitment of our coaches and the dedication and teamwork of the students. The draws for interschool sport are available on the North Western School Sport External linkwebsite. Due to the cost of competition, the heat and some families paying for swimming at the end of the year, Patricks Road participates only in the Winter (earlier) season of interschool sport.
So our students still have a variety of sporting opportunities, we have interhouse competitions in sports such as Oztag, Diamond Cricket and Volleyball for students in Years 3 - 6 during the latter part of the year. Year 3 and 4 students play on one afternoon and Years 5 and 6 play on another.
As well as these organised activities, we have Fun Runs and visits by Sports Development Officers, who engage children in a wide variety of activities.
Children who demonstrate a higher level of ability may be offered the opportunity to trial for district teams and this can lead to selection in a regional or state team. We are proud to have had a number of state and regional representatives in recent years. Students wanting to trial for a district team must attend school trials, particularly in very popular sports, as the school is permitted to nominate only five students to trial. In less popular sports e.g. golf, squash, students may not be required to trial at school. Trial notices are advertised in the newsletter.